Responsible Gambling Guide for Aussie Players

Written by John Gold. Last updated:

Even though gambling is a fun activity, sometimes it can turn into a destructive addiction. It is significant to set boundaries and adhere to the rules of responsible gambling, so that online casinos and the products they offer do not become a threat for our welfare. This guide made by our experts aims to help and educate Aussie gamblers about responsible gambling.

✓ Gambling addiction is acknowledged as a medical condition
✓ 3 out of 4 Australians gambled in the past 12 months
✓ 46% of gamblers were classified being at risk of harm
✓ Australian movement and banks implement responsible gambling measures

Responsible Gambling

Balancing Risk and Fun: Understanding Responsible Gambling

Responsible gambling is a multidimensional term that encompasses various regulations and specifications applicable to all gaming stakeholders. These rules and specifications ensure the best performance standards and a safe customer journey that safeguards against the unanticipated pitfalls of online betting.

Most Australians approach gambling as a source of entertainment, which means they only bet what they can afford to lose, but others find it hard. The activity should be fun rather than an effort to get rich. Seven areas of responsible gambling are harmful to the industry of online gambling where security remains paramount: prevention of underage gambling; protection of vulnerable players, ensuring internet transaction security and reliable digital environment, safeguarding private information, promoting responsible and ethical advertising, implementing measures to stop illegal activities in this sector.

If you feel out of control with yourself, both mentally and financially, then you might become addicted to gambling.

The Addictive Nature of Gambling

There are some people who easily succumb to gambling and the situation is even worse if there is a chance of real winnings at stake. When the anticipation of winning and the fear of losing are combined, these feelings stimulate a strong release of dopamine, so it is easy to fall into the dopamine trap.

Gambling Concern

Based on research made by AGRC (Australian Gambling Research Centre) most Australians expressed concern about the availability of gambling and its impacts on the community, believing that there are 'too many opportunities for gambling nowadays' (77%) and that gambling is 'dangerous for family life' (68%) and 'should be discouraged' (59%). Among those who gambled, almost half (46%) were classified as being at some risk of gambling harm.

A certain amount of consistency is enough for this behaviour to become ingrained. It becomes extremely difficult to resist the urge to gamble, even if it has real negative consequences and directly affects the quality of life.

Signs of Problem Gambling

To conquer addiction, the first step lies in recognising the signs of problem gambling. There are some specific signs of problem gambling that you need to be on the lookout for and overcome a gambling addiction. We can help you know if your loved one has developed a gambling complication. In fact, these signs may not be visible until financial issues pop up. Let us examine them.

Financial Signs

One predictable indication of a gambling problem is financial trouble. The economic consequences of a dependency on betting can be severe and involve mounting debt, financial insecurity, reduced disposable income, joblessness, and loss of shelter or property, among other things. Listed below are some financial warning signals that may indicate compulsive gaming.

  • Vanished household goods and possessions
  • Lacking money while earning a steady paycheck
  • Getting multiple loans open at once
  • Unresolved bills
  • Routinely taking out loans
  • Keeping financial records private

Mood and Behavioural Signs

Signs related to gambling addictions, just as with other forms of addictions, often manifest themselves through negative behaviour outcomes. Warning signs are recognisable through looking at emotional and behavioural patterns in people who gamble.

  • Hostile when barred from gambling
  • Angry and anxious while not gambling
  • Mood swings, including severe anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty regulating the behaviour of certain processes as well
  • Using falsehoods and threats to control other people

Time Indications

When they become addicted, bettors cannot stop thinking about their last game or future bets. To get money for betting purposes, any reason will do, while they will go to any extent. Such individuals have been known to spend so much time on gaming, thus leading to:

  • Gambling for longer periods
  • Lengthy completion times for simple jobs
  • Never on time for appointments
  • Frequently takes leave from work to gamble
  • Neglecting personal relationships and social activities

Assessing Your Gambling Addiction: the Quiz

Gambling addiction is now acknowledged as a medical condition, having been incorporated into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) by the World Health Organization (WHO) on June 18, 2018. It's vital to remember that patterns of gambling addiction can vary greatly and a formal diagnosis of this clinical disorder can only be provided by certified professionals.

Avoiding Unhealthy Gamblers Habits

When it comes to gambling, many individuals are prone to various unhealthy habits that can negatively impact their financial and emotional well-being. Here are some effective ways to avoid unhealthy gambling habits and maintain control over your gambling activities:

Set Deposit Limits
Set Deposit Limits

You should set weekly or monthly deposit limits. The amount you will set should be the money you can afford to lose. This will help you monitor the amount you've spent on gambling and it's an easier way of incurring a great money loss.

Stick to a Bankroll Budget
Stick to a Bankroll Budget

Sticking to your bankroll budget doesn't necessarily imply staying within it. Instead, it implies that you should never place a wager worth more than your daily spending limit. If you have trouble with this, you might need to set up procedures to prevent yourself from obtaining extra funds.

Never Chase Losses
Never Chase Losses

Whenever you lose, you can feel tempted to try to make up for it. When a session is coming to a conclusion and you are unable to quit, the desire may become even more powerful. Due to the risk of increasing your deficit, you should never try to recuperate from losses.

Avoid gambling under alcohol or drug influence
Avoid gambling under alcohol or drug influence

Any kind of alcohol or drug can mess with your mind state and influence you to take unwise and irresponsible decisions which may lead to unfortunate consequences. Play with your mind clean, calm and sober.

Set Loss Limits
Set Loss Limits

By establishing loss limitations, you may exert better discipline over your gambling. For a chosen period, set a cap on the money you could waste. The cap may be set for daily, weekly, monthly, or an entire year.

Avoid gambling when you’re emotional
Avoid gambling when you’re emotional

Gambling may not be the best idea when you’re feeling angry, stressed or upset since this can influence you to take bad and unwise decisions, and the consequences may make you feel even worse.

Track Your Play
Track Your Play

You should keep in mind how your play is going. Track your wins and losses regularly to help you decide when to stop placing bets so you will not lose more cash.

Get Help Early
Get Help Early

The choice of whether to dwell in capital adequacy or instability may depend on receiving proper help from a psychological health or addiction specialist. Comprehensive treatment techniques can help you improve the abilities you already have while also teaching you how to avoid gambling. as early as possible. Much greater, you can attend a support network while getting professional assistance.

Key Strategies for Overcoming Gambling Addiction

Overcoming a gambling addiction can be challenging, but it is possible with the right approach and support. Here are some steps you can take to overcome a gambling addiction:

Admit that You Have a Problem
Admit that You Have a Problem

The first step in overcoming a gambling addiction is acknowledging that you have a problem. This can be difficult, but it is essential to getting the help you need.

Seek Professional Help
Seek Professional Help

There are many resources available for people struggling with gambling addiction, including therapists, support groups, and hotlines. A mental health professional can help you develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Identify Triggers
Identify Triggers

It is important to identify the triggers that lead to your gambling addiction. Common triggers include stress, boredom, and loneliness.

Develop New Habits
Develop New Habits

To replace your gambling addiction, you can develop new habits that help you cope with stress or boredom. This can include exercising, reading, or pursuing a new hobby.

Set Financial Limits
Set Financial Limits

Limiting your access to money can help you control your gambling addiction. This can include setting a budget, using prepaid methods or vouchers instead of debit cards, and avoiding online gambling sites.

Build a Support Network
Build a Support Network

Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family members can help you stay accountable and motivated. Consider joining a support group for people with gambling addiction.

Don't Be Harsh on Yourself

Remember, overcoming a gambling addiction is a process that takes time and effort. Don't be too hard on yourself if you have setbacks, and always reach out for help when you need it. Try to use all the responsible gambling tips stated above.

Keeping Children Safe

The gambling problem is spread widely around Australia, affecting not only adults but also underage people. Children may discover gambling through their parents, other family members, or friends, which may lead them to follow the example of their environment.

Gambling Harm among Children

Australian Gambling Research Centre states that about 5% of 16-17 year-olds reported betting on sports games as well as horse and dog races which have strict age restrictions. Even though it's not legal, about 2% of 16-17 year-olds reported having spent money on poker machines, casino table games and Keno.

Gambling addiction can negatively influence the child and lead to such problems as financial problems, mental health problems, physical health problems, or family violence. Such behavioral patterns as changes in sleep and appetite, moodiness and tiredness, money landing from family members and friends, and developing bad habits such as smoking, drinking, or drug usage may be the signs of your child developing a gambling problem. 

To prevent it from happening or developing further, make sure to follow next steps:

Talk to your kids about the risks of gambling
Talk to your kids about the risks of gambling

Explain to your child how gambling works: gambling may be all fun and games in the beginning, but turn into a huge issue if you don’t have the right approach to gaming. It may not be easy and comfortable to discuss such a topic, but it’s important to explain to your children all the risks.

Manage their access to your money
Manage their access to your money

It is significant to make sure your child does not have access to your credit or debit card or any other payment options.

Enable online security
Enable online security

To prevent your child from gambling, you can block advertisements that promote casinos, and the websites of casinos themselves, using special blocking software. You also can enable parental control for your child’s devices to control the time they spend online.

Be there for your children
Be there for your children

It’s significant not only to recognize the bad signs mentioned adobe, but also to remain their biggest supporter, remind them that you love them no matter what and follow their recovery process. It is very possible that you may descry the potential problem by simply talking and listening to your children.

Offer support
Offer support

This article mentions several ways people with a developing or developed gambling issue can consider when trying to get rid of their addiction, including a helpline for children.

Problem Gambling Support

There are options provided to Aussies that can help right away if you think you or anyone you know may be experiencing a gambling addiction. Among these options are specialised counselling services, psychological support programs, and recommendations for self-monitoring and limiting participation in games.

Online support service to help people struggling with a gambling problem. Open 24/7, offers counselling and digital recovery resources.

Australian support service providing help for gambling problems, including counselling, education and self-referral resources.

Nationwide organisation providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention. Help available by phone and online.

Gamblers Anonymous Australia site, supporting meetings around the country and online to help people overcome gambling addiction.

Site offering information and resources to combat gambling problems in New South Wales, Australia. Includes a telephone support line.

Relationships Australia Queensland gambling help program offering counseling, therapy, and education to combat gambling problems.

If immediate assistance required, call:
Lifeline Australia 📞 13-11-14
National Gambling Helpline 📞 1-800-858-858
Free Financial Counseling 📞 1-800-007-007
Lifeline 📞 13-11-14
Kids Helpline 📞 1-800-551-800
Look Out for Help

It is possible that there are social communities or self-help groups that operate in your area. They may be able to help you more effectively.

Responsible Gambling Measures in Australia

As you already know, Australia is one of the leading countries in terms of gambling popularity. With $18 billion of total gambling winning gross, our motherland is the sixth biggest gambling country after the USA, the UK, Japan, Italy, and Singapore. Additionally, considering the fact that according to the latest survey of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, three out of four Australians gambled in the past 12 months, the Australian government must have taken some responsible gambling measures to prevent ubiquitous gambling addiction.

The IGA 2001

The law concerns such activities as online casinos, slot machines, and poker, online betting services allowing in-play betting on live sports, online betting services with no license, instant lotteries, as well as providing credits by certain online betting companies. These activities are prohibited by the interactive gambling laws.

Prohibition of Credit Card Use

Since 2021, Australian gamblers are not allowed to use credit cards as a deposit or withdrawal method in any licensed online casino. It was strengthened with the Interactive Gambling Amendment (Credit and Other Measures) Act 2023, that added fines for non-compliance and extended powers of regulation in order to cover external territories and acts outside Australia. The ban includes transactions made directly via credit cards and electronic wallets. Note that lottery services are not subject to the prohibition, as they are considered a low-risk gambling activity.

If you want to learn more details about Australian gambling regulations, visit our page, Gambling Laws.

Taking Control of Your Gambling

Responsible gambling tools play a critical role in preventing and addressing gambling-related problems. They allow people to manage and control their gambling behaviour. Two key tools in this regard are the self-exclusion and filtering tools described below, which will help you manage unpleasant consequences.

Built-In Casino Tools

If you feel like you are having a gambling problem and want to know how to stay away from pokies, the easiest way could be to close your casino account or use a built-in tool for self-exclusion.

Self-Exclusion is a voluntary process where an individual associated with gambling voluntarily excludes themselves from specific gaming venues or online providers. Information on how to set up self-exclusion can be found on Australian gambling sites. You can download and fill out a self-exclusion application form from the sites for online casinos. Typically, look for this in the Responsible Gambling or Self-Exclusion section.

The following responsible gambling platforms often encourage users to make the most out of self-exclusion by providing additional support. This may include offering contact details for gambling helplines, educational materials on responsible gambling, and referrals to counselling services for those seeking professional assistance.

Self-Exclusion Program

Moreover, in the case of casino tools, you may lock your account at a specific casino or casinos and, to make it more complicated, include all betting and gambling sites into the stop list. This is because closing one account does not prevent you from opening another one at a different casino. Hence, this is why self-exclusion apps and services provide a proactive approach to managing gambling behaviour, letting users manage their game-playing activities themselves. These tools are designed to enhance people’s autonomy by allowing them to opt out of gambling platforms on their own terms.


As soon as you sign up, those details are then shared securely with participating bookmakers. This way, any attempt to create another or use an existing account will be declined by these providers. Additionally, BetStop offers helplines for emotional and financial support, as well as resources that promote responsible gambling education beyond self-exclusion. Using these services helps users maintain an acceptable level of engagement with gaming according the platform. Through such measures however BetStop does not cover for everyone who plays casinos, but it aims at putting power back in consumers’ hands while also creating a barrier against potential gambling problems that might arise from being uncontrolled. Consequently, this Australian initiative is a significant step forward in responsible gambling practices.

  • Supported by the government
  • Great coverage of gambling providers
  • Easy access to counseling support
  • Limited functionality on some platforms

The registry gives real-time updates of blacklisted platforms using advanced technology which makes it impossible for somebody else to circumvent its provisions regardless of the mode chosen. Moreover, they have information material that educates parents about youth gambling so that they may protect their children from future issues related to this matter. The app includes an anonymous feedback option for users to report any non-compliant platforms. Thus, this is an approach that not only offers protection but also allows the community to participate in curbing online gambling risks making it a safer digital environment.

Available at following platforms:
Windows, Mac & iOS, Linux, Android, Kindle Fire, Huawei Devices (via AppGallery)
  • Self-exclusion and Parent modes
  • Own base of gambling sites
  • Free to use
  • Some sites may malfunction

Betfilter has a number of supplementary features which are aimed at promoting responsible gambling besides its main functionality. This software even sends proactive messages to users discouraging them from making snap bets and reminding them gently of their commitments to monitor their gaming habits. Additionally, these developers offer a daily, weekly or monthly usage report which helps users keep track of how they have been performing over time through the app. Furthermore, this personalised feedback loop helps them develop disciplined gambling behaviour. Furthermore, Betfilter does more than just providing help for individual gamblers; it also incorporates resources and tools for families that aim at assisting relatives who are fighting with such issues as addiction.

Available at following platforms:
Windows, Mac & iOS, Linux, Android
  • Unable to uninstall or cancel blocking during subscription period
  • Ease of use and customizationSupport on various platforms
  • Available on a subscription basis

Filtration Systems

Special programs allow you to block all internet traffic to and from gambling sites. They can also help you avoid seeing gambling ads and even gambling-related search results, so you won't be tempted to start gambling again. So, we can say the following services provide reliable protection and control over access to inappropriate or harmful sites.

Net Nanny
Net Nanny

Net Nanny works by using an Internet filter that blocks search results containing specific keywords. This parental control service provides real-time reports on children's internet searches and application usage. The system alerts you to malicious content. Net Nanny also allows you to manage screen time and block specific applications on your child's device. With these comprehensive features, Net Nanny creates a safer digital environment for families, making it a trusted partner in keeping kids safe online. The app is paid, with subscriptions based on the number of devices served.

Available at following platforms:
Windows, Mac & iOS, Linux, Android, Kindle Fire
  • Effectively block unwanted content online
  • Constant updates to combat new threats
  • Convenient parental monitoring and filtering controls
  • Possible false positives and blocking of useful content

It is a comprehensive self-exclusion tool to combat gambling addiction. It uses powerful website and application blockers to proactively prevent access to gambling platforms, reducing temptation and promoting healthier online behaviour. Easy to install, it is able to detect and respond to prolonged casino activity. The service uses advanced algorithms and heuristics to constantly update blacklists, preventing access to unpublished sites and stopping the installation of gambling applications. Its robust software can withstand factory resets, eliminating the possibility of uninstallation. Discounts are available when protecting multiple devices and licences are available for both personal and corporate use.

Available at following platforms:
Windows, Mac & iOS, Linux, Android
  • Сannot be circumvented by using a VPN
  • Allows blocking gambling on smartphones
  • Is available as one or more licenses for personal users
  • Uninstalling the program is not allowed, which may cause inconvenience

Australian Banks Blocking Gambling Transactions

A number of Australian banks and financial institutions have recently introduced a feature that allows customers to ban gambling on their credit and debit cards. In this article, we provide an overview of the options currently offered to customers of some Australian banks.

Block All Gambling Transactions

Generally, the ban will take effect immediately upon request. However, the time it takes for the blocking to be canceled can vary, but usually is at most two business days. Credit/debit card gambling blocking methods vary by bank or financial institution. In most cases, customers must submit a request, but some organizations provide the option to activate the feature via a mobile app.

Bank of Melbourne
Bank of Melbourne

All debit cards meeting the criteria can use the gambling restriction function. The Gambling Lock can be enabled using Online Banking where you would select it under Card Services menu. Alternatively, contact our Customer Service team. More details are available in your relevant Terms and Conditions for your specific credit or debit card.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 13-22-66 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
  • Availability of gambling block via online banking
Commonwealth Bank
Commonwealth Bank

Among other initiatives, Commbank offers a six-month block on bank gambling with all Commbank Mastercard debits by individuals who have gambling issues. Commbank well-being consultants’ team maintains secrecy while providing help with debts, preventing any transactions regarding poker machines and cash on my cards and then putting me in touch with other support services.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 1800-222-387 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
  • Additional support services
  • Dedicated wellbeing team
National Australia Bank (NAB)
National Australia Bank (NAB)

The NAB app allows credit cardholders to turn gambling restrictions on and off, including sports betting, casino games, lotteries, and online gambling. Such restrictions may be set through the Usage Controls part of the card. Once changes are submitted, it will take 48 hours to see preferences updated. There is an ability to cancel such request if needed. Once a limitation is placed on one card, this will automatically apply to all related cards.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 1300-308-175 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
  • Availability of gambling block via online banking
  • 48-Hour block delay cancellation

To maintain personal budgets that assist in avoiding gambling transactions, you can block Gambling through your credit or debit cards. By using Card Services in online banking or calling a customer service line, you can activate this feature. This measure prevents financial constraints arising from problem gambling-related matters. Joint account holders only are entitled to switch on/off their respective security systems for these cards It is important that the terms and conditions of your card are read prior to using the tool.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 132-032 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
  • Availability of gambling block via online banking
ANZ Bank
ANZ Bank

Use the Block Gambling feature to regulate spending by disallowing gambling transactions on your cards. Enable it via your online bank's Card Services or via Customer Support service. This protection will help to prevent gambling problems. Only joint account holders can use it for their cards. Please check the conditions and terms of your card before you begin using the product.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 13-22-73 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
  • Availability of gambling block via online banking
St George Bank
St George Bank

The bank provides a tool for blocking off gambling transactions with its customers to limit their spending on betting and online casinos. To turn on Block Gambling, go to Internet Banking and activate gambling block from Card Services Menu or call helpline number.

Helpline: Working Hours:
📞 13-33-30 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday to Saturday
  • Availability of gambling block via online banking

Alternatives to Gambling

Overcoming a gambling addiction is not the end of the journey, it requires a continuous effort to stay on the path of recovery and resist the temptation to gamble again. With the widespread availability of online gambling platforms, staying away from gambling can be challenging, but there are numerous alternatives to gambling that one can explore, even if they are not struggling with addiction.

Reason For Gambling Alternative to Gambling
Thrilling sensation accompanied by a surge of adrenaline There are activities and hobbies that can give you similar feelings. To mention some examples: rock climbing, mountain biking, go-kart racing, bungee jumping, rafting, and paragliding.
Communal dimension to it as you engage with other individuals However, it is impossible to avoid your problems completely. Still there are ways to deal with these situations positively. Therapy might be beneficial, while self-help approaches to handling stress can also be embraced through mindfulness, like meditation or physical exercise.
Allows you to forget about your problems and unwind after a long day Although one may not be able to escape their problems altogether, they can always find ways to handle them better. This includes therapy, self-help techniques such as meditation and engaging in exercises for physical fitness in life.
Helps alleviate feelings of boredom and loneliness Find a passion that excites you, such as music, art, sports, literature, or other leisure activities, and look for people who share your interests.
The mistaken belief that gambling can help solve financial problems In gambling, the odds are always stacked against the gambler, as implied by a popular saying. The entire activity is based purely on luck which makes winning every time not possible at all. Getting help from financial advisers is crucial when any debts have occurred.

How to Help Someone Stop Gambling

Having a gambling addiction is scary and complicated, but seeing your loved ones losing themselves because of this while feeling absolutely helpless is also a hard challenge to take. Let’s try to discover how to help people with gambling addiction.

Try to understand them
Try to understand them

The nature and motives of addiction to anything, whether it's gambling, alcohol or a drug, cannot be fully understood by people who are not addicted. Try to understand that the person you want to help if struggling and is not able to have full control over their actions and decisions. It may require a lot of patience, but there’s no need to judge, verbally or physically abuse them – try to simply talk instead and offer them your support.

Explain the consequences
Explain the consequences

It’s important to discuss with the addicted person what consequences their actions may lead to. Try to avoid confrontation and find a calm and nice way of explaining how their addiction may affect you, their family and friends, and their life in general.

Offer professional help
Offer professional help

If the addiction is completely taking over the person, and you feel that your help if not enough – propose ways of receiving professional support for that person. This article mentions several options for people with gambling addiction.

Recognize the signs
Recognize the signs

The addiction can be recognized by such signs as lying about money spending, unsuccessful attempts to quit gambling, financial problems, and developing mental health issues.

Introduce activities to replace gambling
Introduce activities to replace gambling

People start to gamble for different reasons: depression, boredom, lack of socialization or stress. Our article covers the “Alternatives to Gambling” topic, explaining how to replace the addiction with other activities, such as meditating or sports.

John Gold

John Gold


Starting as a typical gambler, I was interested in how the industry works. And now, for more than 10 years, I see myself as a gambling expert. After trying out more than 500 pokies, I'm ready to share my insights and tell you what you need to look at to get a good gaming experience.